
About my keitai

I'm going to talk about my cellular phones. I have two cellular phones: one is pink and the other is black. I usually use pink cellular phone, and a kind of cellular phone is SH906i. A function of cellular phone is most important for me. Therefore I always regard it as the important thing when I'm going to buy a new cellular phone. Also, I use black cellular phone when I make a long phone call with my friends. The charge for a telephone call of this cellular phone is a flat sum system. So I can talk to my friends over the cellular phone. I love my cellular phones!

110 words

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hello Mai.

    I'm Toshi, a commentator for your blog.
    Nice to see you!
    I'm sorry to reach you late.
    I'm looking forward to read your topic.

    You have two mobiles yourself. Recently many people use two of mobiles.
    AS for me, I have two. One is for private, and the other is for business.

