
My Blog Stats

Total words: 10,011
Total posts: 62
Book points: 20.3
Book points remaining: 0
Posts with label "My Project": 7
Posts with label "My Podcast": 6

My Blog Stats


147 T
150 T
75 D

Total words:10,011
Total posts: 62
Book review: 13

The winter holidays

I went to Tokyo Disneyland and Disney Sea during the winter holidays. It was very cold in there, but I enjoyed! Among of all amusement attraction, I like Big Thunder Mountain and Tower of Terror. These are so exciting! Also, I ate caramel-flavored popcorn and it was very delicious! I really didn't want to leave. I'm going to go to there again during the rest of the year. I like Tokyo Disneyland and Disney Sea!!

75 words


My favorite cuisines of the world

I ate Italian cuisine the other day, and it was so delicious! My favorite cuisines of the world are Italian cuisine. In this day and age, we can eat them without going to Italy. There are a lot of Italian restaurants in Japan, and Italian cuisines have many kinds of dish. I like pasta, pizza, lasagna and so on. Above all, I like fresh pasta because it is so delicious! I heard the Japanese equivalent of the pizza is Okonomiyaki! I like Okonomiyaki, too. I like Italian cuisine but I think they are high-calorie diet. As Italian cuisine is very delicious, I always eat too much. Therefore I always have a full meal. However I don't want to get fat, I'm not going to eat often. I'm going to eat all I like when I went to an Italian restaurant! I like Italian cuisine so much!

150 words


My favorite day of the week

My favorite day of the week is Friday, and I have two reasons. First of all, I can sleep all I want as the next day is Saturday. We don't need go to school during weekends, so Friday is the last day which we have to go to school! Second, Doraemon is broadcast on every Friday. Doraemon is only on once a week and this show is very famous and long-running show. Doraemon has been broadcasting all over the world. I like Doraemon, so I'm looking forward to come Friday. In addition, I like Kinyou rodo sho. It is TV program which is shown on every Friday, and many movies are shown on in this program. I like movies very much, so I like this TV program. As you can see, Friday is the best day of the week for me! I love Friday.

147 words


My Blog Stats

Total words: 9639
Total posts: 59
Book points: 20.3
Book points remaining: 0
Posts with label "My Project": 7
Posts with label "My Podcast": 6

My Blog Stats


28 G
40 PO
42 PO
173 T
213 B
204 B
239 B
78 J
46 PO

Total words:9639
Total posts:59
Book review:13


Alice's Adventure in Wonderland

  • Today I'm going to talk about Alice's Adventure in Wonderland.

  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a movie which was shown a film in this year.

  • This story is the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

  • In this movie, Johnny Depp plays The Hatter, and many other big names appeared.

Check it out here!

46 words

Last week

Last week, I have finished all homework: Typing homework, Power Words, some reporting assignments, book reviews, and so on. To finish all homework until the winter holidays was my second semester's plan! I was doing my homework after school every day. So I'm very happy! I'm going to enjoy the winter vacation confidentially! I have a plan which I go to Tokyo with my family in the winter vacation, so I'm looking forward to come the winter vacation!!

78 words


Book review


points remaining:0

Taking off

Anna jumped on her new skateboard and raced down the hill.

I read Taking off. This is a good story. The heroine of the story is a girl who name is Anne. Anne got a new skateboard, so she was very happy. When she was racing down the hill, she met her friend. His name is Mick. As Mick wanted to ride her new skateboard, he said "I want to ride your skateboard." However Anne passed up his request. Although she rejected, Mick dropped her skateboard and he put his foot on top of it. Then, he raced off down the street and Anne hurried after Mick. To make matters worse, he fell to the ground. Her new skateboard's paint had a little come off, but Mick survived. Mick regretted what he has done and she condoned. Actually, Mick's parent doesn't have a money to buy a new skateboard for him, so he just want to ride it. In addition, Anne did little jobs to save money. Mick decided to do jobs to get money after he listened her tell.

Mick made Anne feel annoyed. However, I think Mick will never to do it again. I'm sure Mick can make good relationship with Anne. Hindsight is better than foresight! Also, I think getting money by oneself is very important. In doing so, we can lean about the difficulty of getting money or the importance of money. I like this story! (1.0 points)

Taking off, ISBN-13:978-0-17-012515-4

239 words


Book review


points remaining:0.7


"We got away just in time ," said Buzz, and he sae off for planet Zero as fast as he could.

I read BUZZ and ZIP GET LOST. Buzz and Zip are monsters. They were going to go to a planet Zero, but they lost thier way. When Buzz looked out the window, he found another planet: it was planet Earth. They doesn't want to land on Earth, but they needed rocks as a fuel. Buzz and Zip have never been to planet Earth, and they was thinking the planet Earth is terrible place. They landed on planet Earth to get the rocks. When Buss was picking up the rocks, he saw the monster: it is the sun. The Sun is the most terrible monster for them. Also, they smelled ripe smell. It is just smell of a farm animal, but it is terrible smell for them. After they picked up the fuel, their spaceship took off from planet Earth as possible as they can.

A monstors in the story is very cute! I like Buzz and Zip. Actually, I don't like smell of the farm animal. Therefore I understanded how they felt. I want to meet the monsters like Buzz and Zip in the future! (1.2 points)

BUZZ and ZIP GET LOST, ISBN-13: 978-0-17-012540-6

204 words

Book review


points remaining:1.9

Wait and See

My brother Adam and I are twins.

I read Wait and See. Adam and Zak are twins, and they look so similar. Their friends sometimes can't differentiate Adam and Zak. One day, Zak came up with a good idea. The next day, Zak went to a hairdresser's to dye his blond hair. Then, he dyed his hair with the color of red. He was very happy because he think people seems would mix up Adam and him. After he came back home, Abby laughed when she saw Zak's hair. Abby is Zak's sister. Then, his mother and father laughed, too. Zak didn't understand why they laughed. He understand its reason at dinner time, and he surprised. Adam dyed his hair with the color of red, too! They had the same thought. In the end, Adam went back his hair to blond, and people can tell Adam from Zak now.

I think twins sounds like a lot of bother. I'm sure I'll become anxious if I was mistaken for someone everyday. However I want twin children in the future, and I think it is good for children. Probably we don't leave our children feeling lonely. If I have twin children in the future, I'm going to be careful not to make a fluff of their names. (1.8 points)

Wait and See, ISBN-13:978-0-17012612-0

213 words

My favorite Disney movie

My favorite Disney movie is the series of High School Musical. They are movies which were shown on Disney Channel. High School Musical series are trilogy, and the stories are set in high-school life. The hero and the heroine of the movie are Troy and Gabriella. Troy is a boy who is good at basketball and Gabriella is a brainy girl. Zac Efron plays Troy and Vanessa Hudgens plays Gabriella. In the movies, the two acted the roles of a loving couple. In addition, they are couple for real. These movies entail an element of a musical. Musics which are used in these movies are wonderful. I like not only the story but also the music. In the series of HSM, the cast often sing songs. They are very good singers. My favorite song is Start Of Something New. This is a song which they sing a duet for the first time. We can enjoy a lot of music in these movies. If you have never watched them, please try watching it!

173 words



Welcome to the fourth episode of my podcast.
  • Disney movies are my favorite movies!
  • I like Enchanted, and this movie is a very romantic story.
  • If you have never watch this movie, please try watching it. I'm sure you will enjoy this movie!
Check it out here!
42 words

Chip 'n Dale

Welcome to the second episode of my podcast.
  • My favorite Disney character is Chip 'n Dale.
  • They are two chipmunks and they are out of the same mold.
  • If you have some points, I think it is easy to recognize!
Check it out here!
40 words

Last Sunday

Last Sunday, I hanged out all day long. After I woke up at 7 am, I fell back to sleep. Then, I woke up at 1 pm.

not Gofun ha jubun
28 words


Book review


points remaining:3.7

My Bolg Stats


49 G
297 D
202 B
175 T
160 B

Total words:8576
Total posts:50
Book review:10

Daniel Radcliffe

Today, Daniel Radcliffe is a famous young man with a lot of money.

I read Daniel Radcliffe. Daniel Radcliffe is one of the famous young actors in the world. He became famous for the film Harry Potter. As you may know, he plays Harry Potter. Harry Potter is the main character of the Harry Potter novel series written by J.K. Rowling. Actually, Daniel appeared David Copperfield before he plays Harry. It is a BBC television series of Dickens's book. Then, eleven-year-old Daniel was chosen in an audition to play Harry Potter.
As you can see, a lot of information about Daniel are written in this book. For example, we can find out about his hometown, family, friends, works, now, and so on. This book should help us learn more about the history of Daniel Radcliffe. Therefore we can find out more about Daniel when we read this book. Why don't you read Daniel Radcliffe if you wants to know more about him? (1.2 points)

ISBN 978-1-4058-6765-8, Daniel Radcliffe

160 words

Book Review

Points:1.8, 1.6

points remaining:4.9

My favorite local dish of Kumamoto

The other day,I ate Ikinari-dango which was made by my grandmother. Ikinari-dango is made from wheat flour, bean paste, and sweet potato. It is local dishes of Kumamoto. I like Ikinari-dango because it is very delicious. A lot of shops sell it. For example, we can buy it in Kumamoto Castle. I like Ikinari-dango which is made by my grandmother. It is so delicious! Sometimes my grandmother made Ikinari-dango for me, and I ate it for a snack. My grandmother is a very good at cooking, and her Ikinari-dango is the great-granddaddy of them all. To tell the truth, I want to eat Ikinari-dango at whim at any time. However I don't know how to make it. So, I'm going to learn about how to make it from my grandmother when I met her next time. After I learned about how to make it, I'll try to make it. I want to make delicious it like my grandmother's Ikinari-dango! I like Ikinari-dango so much. Why don't you try it if you have never eaten Ikinari-dango?

175 words



"First, you'll need this," said Dr Holland, hanging Trent a bag.
I read SECRET AGENT. The hero of the story is a boy who name is Trent. Trent passed test to become a secret agent, so he started working as the secret agent. He went to see Dr Holland, and he was given a bag. It was full of agent's things like trackers, smoke balls and super tape. When Dr Holland explained about them, suddenly a strong wind blew. Then, Trent noticed Dr Holland was gone. Trent saw two men pushing Dr Holland into a car when he went outside. Then, he followed it and he helped Dr Holland with all agent's things: trackers, smoke balls and super tape. His first work as the secret agent was a smash success!

I like this book because I'm interested in work of a secret agent. SECRET AGENT is exciting story! So, I like a movie such as Charlie's Angels. However, I not want to be a secret agent. I think I can't to carry out a mission on my own. I'm sure these are very difficult work. I'm interested in work of a secret agent, but I want to enjoy in only movies or novels. (1.6 points)

SECRET AGENT, ISBN-13:978-0-17012588-8

202 words


Last Sunday

Yesterday, I went to the movie with my friend. After we watched Harry Potter, we ate curry with naan for lunch. Then, we ate 31 ice cream for dessert. Thanks for the ticket of movie, we can ate it at 10 percent discount. As you may know, I like a pudding so much. Therefore I ate Custard Pudding flavor. It is a flavor of the month, and it was very delicious! I want to eat it again.

Then, we went to PARCO and PLAZA. We went to game canters, too. As we were tired, we had a break in Starbucks Coffee Shop. I ordered Caramel Frappuccinos. To tell the truth, I can't drink a coffee. I tried drinking the coffee yesterday! I drunk Starbucks's coffee the first time ever, I could drink it!

After we took took a break, we went to a Japanese style pub. My friend part-time work in there, so a kitchen chef give us a lot of service. First, we could eat a dish of assorted Basashi. Basashi is a horse sashimi and it is a local dishes of Kumamoto. I was very surprised because it was the most expensive dish in the Japanese style pub! Actually, I had never eat Basashi until then. I don't like raw dish like a Sushi, Sashimi, and so on. Therefore, Basashi doesn't taste good for me, but I was happy about the kitchen chef's grace. Then, we ordered Caramel French toast for dessert. It was so delicious! Also, the kitchen chef put a small firework on the French toast for us. It was like a surprise surprise! As you may know, I like sweets very much. Therefore, I was happy to eat delicious dessert! Then, I went back home. As you can see, I had an enjoyable day!

297 words


Last Sunday, I went to the movie with my friend. We watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. It was very interesting! I want to watch Part 2 soon!! After we watched the movie, we ate curry with naan for lunch. It was delicious. I like naan!

49 words


My blog stats


51 J

181 D

293 B

162 W

Total words:7693

Total posts:45

Book review:8

My favorite month

My favorite month is February, and I have two reasons. First of all, February is spring vacation!! I don't have to go school about two months, and I don't have to get up early every day. Also, I can to do part-time job during spring vacation. Because of much homework, I didn't part-time job this semester. As I'm pushed for money, I'm going to do part-time job in spring vacation. Second, February is the season which we can travel with a small budget. I like traveling very much and I'm bargain-conscious traveler. Actually, I'm going to go to Kyoto with my friend in February. I think we can travel with low cost. I want to buy a lot of souvenir and I want to eat delicious local foods in Kyoto. Therefore I decided to save money for them. I want to live without wasting of money! I like February so much!

162 words


Mercury and the Woodcutter

One day, a woodcutter set off to work in the woods for the day.

I read Mercury and the Woodcutter. I had heard this story in past days. The hero of the story is a woodcutter who has a very good axe. A certain day, he went to work. When he took a break near the riverbank, he dropped his good axe in the river by bad fortune. Then, the river god who name is Mercury appeared in front of him. "I will find it for you," he said. The river god appeared again holding a golden awe in his hand. The woodcutter said "It's not mine". Then, the river god appeared holding a silver axe in his hand. "It's not mine, too," the woodcutter said. Finally, the river god appeared holding the woodcutter's axe in his hand. The woodcutter said "It's mine." Then, the river god gave him the golden and silver axes because the woodcutter was very honest. After that time, a man who has heard story of the woodcutter went to the river, and he dropped his axe. Then, the river god appeared holding a golden axe. "It's my axe," the man said. The river god got angry, and the man never get hi axe back.

I like the woodcutter because he is so honest! I think maybe no one can live a life with honesty like him. If the river god appeared holding a golden axe in front of me when I dropped my axe, I want to say "It's not mine." Of course I want the golden axe, but I want to be person like that man. I may get the urge to lie at some time in the future. However I want to live honestly like the woodcutter. (1.8 points)

293 words



Recentry, I'm distressing my self, so I send e-mail my friend for advice yesterday. She is a friend from high school and we always set a meeting when I returned to Kagoshima. We had each problems and we needed help each other. My friend talked about her problem, and I talked about everything that should be talked about my problem.
Also, I talked with my friend at night. She is one of the close friend from high school, too. We spend 60minutes on the phone. I talked with her after such a long time, so I enjoyed talking! At this rate, I seem to get higher and higher phone bills. I want some tool that allow unlimited charge for call.
Yesterday, thanks for my friends, I could chin up as always! I thought anew I should cherish my friends! I want to meet them. I think I will meet them in the winter holidays. I'm looking forward to come the winter holidays! I want to be of some help when my friends have any problem. I love my friends!! Thank you!!!;>
181 words

Tinker Bell

Welcome to the third episode of my podcast.
  • Tinker Bell is a fairy in the story "Peter Pan."
  • Thinker Bell is a movie in four parts.
  • This movie is very cute, and Tinker Bell is a positive person!
Check it out here!

This Sunday

This weekend, I'm going to the movie with my friend. Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows is releasing now! My friend and I like Harry Potter very much, so we will watch Harry Potter! I go to the movie after much a long time. I'm looking forward to come this Sunday!

51 words